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Building a comprehensive community-based dementia care/support system use
personal health records

This research project is supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant

​概要 (Project summary)



Early diagnosis of dementia leads to support at the right time and helps maintain the quality of life of the elderly in the community. Aiming to build a local dementia support system centred on early diagnosis of dementia, this four-year research project will examine whether the use of personal health records can improve dementia literacy among the elderly and support early treatment of cognitive functions. As a comprehensive support system for elderly people with dementia in the community using information and communication technology, the project aims to create the basis for an efficient comprehensive community care system.

​概念枠組み (Conceptual Frame)

地域包括ケアにおけるPHR活用促進の検証→ PHR活用 による認知症リテラシーの向上→ 認 知機能状態と認知症リテラシーに応じ た受療支援に至るまでの課題を明らかとし,地域認知症包括支援モデルの基 盤を構築することを目的とします。

The objective of this project is to verify the promotion of the use of PHR in comprehensive community care, to improve dementia literacy through the use of PHR, to clarify issues ranging from support for receiving treatment according to cognitive function status and dementia literacy, and to build the basis for a comprehensive community dementia support model.


プロジェクトメンバー (Member)

研究代表者 相原洋子(岡山大学保健学域)


研究協力者 河越眞介(株式会社トータルブレインケア 代表取締役社長)


Best presentation in the session of 55th Asia-Pacific Consortium for Public Health (APACPH 2024) at Busan, Korea (Oct. 23-25, 2024) 
APACPH2024(釜山)においてAgeing Healthセッションでベスト・プレゼンテーターに選ばれました!
​I presented ”Development of demenita literacy among Japanese older adults” at the APAPCH 2024. Honorary, I was seelcted as a best presentor in the session. I got the report book of health policy in Korea
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