在留外国人の健康とウェルビーイングの向上につながるエイジング・イン・プレイスの環境構造条件の 探索的研究
Exploring the environmental structural conditions of ageing-in-place to improve the health and wellbeing of foreign residents. An exploratory study
This research project is supported by Asahi Glass Foundation
概要 (Project summary)
The concept of 'ageing in place', where people can remain as healthy and independent as possible and continue to live in their own way and with dignity in their own familiar places, is gaining importance in the world. However, this concept may not be much paid attention for ethnic minority population. This is 3 years research project aims to explore environmental, social and psycological factors related to ageing-in-place to promote health and wellbeing for foreig residents in Japan.
概念枠組み (Conceptual Frame)
Based on the conceptual framework of the World Health Organisation's Age-friendly Cities (2005), the eight domains are classified according to 'physical', 'social' and 'psychological' environmental conditions, and the structural conditions related to health and wellbeing are visualised using quantitative and qualitative research methods of questionnaires and interviews.
プロジェクトメンバー (Member)
研究代表者 相原洋子(岡山大学保健学域)
共同研究者 竹村和子(兵庫県立大学地域開発ケア研究所)
Co-researcher: Kazuko TAKEMURA
研究協力者 こう ごうせい(岡山大学大学院博士前期課程)
Research Collborator: Yucheng XIANG
2024年10月5-6日 International Symposium on Global Ageing and Diversity
パネリストとして「Home-visiting nurses’ perception on the care for older adults with diverse culture and language」をテーマに講演を行いました。在留外国人の高齢化として当事者たちの意見を聞けた貴重な時間となりました。
2024年9月15日 日本ソーシャルイノベーション学会 ポスター発表を行いました